GTA 5 + LSPDFR Mod Video Nr 1

For screen capture in this video I used some free software, with 30fps setting and very high bitrate, but capture looks like real capture fps was lower than it should. Video is in relatively low resolution, I havent been screen capturing for long time, so I had to find some decent open source screen capture software, so beginning from 4-th video, there is some decent framerate, and quality – videos No 1 and 3 are the worse ones in terms of quality (framerate, resolution).

As of this video contents : there is vehicle driver who was trying to escape from traffic stop, after passing red light on crossroad, which developed to pursuit with 1 local backup unit, and noose helicopter. At the end I do plate check which does not reveal any significat data, and call coroner service through FinKone’s Police Radio Plugin.