GTA 5 + LSPDFR Film Nr 12 – Szeryf kontra terroryści

Znów grałem jako zastępca szeryfa, wchodząc na służbę w posterunku straży leśnej w Vinewood. Pojechałem na jedno wezwanie : Atak terrorystów, potem patrolowałem górskie obszary w strugach deszczu. Filmik jest krótki, ale za to lepszej jakości jak pozostałem. Tradycyjnie prowadziłem SUV-a.

Welcome !


This web page is designed to share My gameplay videos and plugins I code for GTA 5 + LSPDFR Mod from Community. As of now there is 13 videos and a few plugins , but there will be more to come, as the LSPDFR Modification develops.

I would like to thank very much LSPDFR Community for creating this awesome Mod, and plugins for it. None of this would be possible if RAGE Plugin Hook did not exist, so theres also big thanks to RPH creators ! (


GTA 5 + LSPDFR Mod Video Nr 1

For screen capture in this video I used some free software, with 30fps setting and very high bitrate, but capture looks like real capture fps was lower than it should. Video is in relatively low resolution, I havent been screen capturing for long time, so I had to find some decent open source screen capture software, so beginning from 4-th video, there is some decent framerate, and quality – videos No 1 and 3 are the worse ones in terms of quality (framerate, resolution).

As of this video contents : there is vehicle driver who was trying to escape from traffic stop, after passing red light on crossroad, which developed to pursuit with 1 local backup unit, and noose helicopter. At the end I do plate check which does not reveal any significat data, and call coroner service through FinKone’s Police Radio Plugin.

GTA 5 + LSPDFR Mod Video Nr 2

In this video I perform over 15 minutes Police chase started by callout, respond to EMS call to secure their route to local clinic, save the live of possible suicider, respond to assault callout (arrest) and respond to traffic collision which ends with an arrests (one person is wanted, other one attacks me) and multi-transport of arrested persons option provided by More Jail And Transport Plugin.

There are some little glitches here and there, but overall modded gameplay gives much fun.

GTA 5 + LSPDFR Mod Video Nr 4

After I went on-duty today I decided to tow some illegally parked vehicles, then I received a call to possible suicide attempt which ended in death of suspect (that woman in green t-shirt shouldn’t be so close), later after some patrolling I again called a tow service for some vehicles. Suddenly I received an assault callout (Code 2), after listening everything what persons involved had to say, I arrested possible victim, and possible offender – they will have time to prepare their statemants they tell on hearing, on local Police station.

Driving on emergency lights at the  beach scared almost all prostitutes (You will see them escaping), except one, which I arrested (:F). After delivering 2 persons to local Police station, there was “unknown troube” callout, which apeared to be a joke made by caller. Local Police don’t like such jokes, so person involved has been arrested. 😀 Sometimes I like to play as a “dick” cop.

At the end of shift, I had opportunity to check and call tow service to another illegally parked vehicle.

GTA 5 + LSPDFR Mod Video Nr 6

In this video I perform long patrol on the streets of Los Santos, later there’s pursuit on wanted criminal, which ends calling coroner to shot criminal. In the chase I shoot out tires of escaping vehicle. Closely after chase I receive callout to traffic collision, where I find drugs in car, and arrest its driver, after checking her ID in LSPD database. I use Traffic control plugin to stop / slow down traffic in this video, also Vehicle Search Plugin, and Ped Search. There’s of course also FinKone’s Police Radio used and other mods/plugins to LSPDFR.